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Getting Started


  • Install the package from NuGet.
    dotnet add package PureBlazor.Components.AspNetCore
    If using Standalone WebAssembly, you can install PureBlazor.Components.
  • Add the using directives to your _Imports.razor file.
    @using Pure.Blazor.Components
    @using Pure.Blazor.Components.Buttons
    @using Pure.Blazor.Components.Common
    @using Pure.Blazor.Components.Dialogs
    @using Pure.Blazor.Components.Forms
    @using Pure.Blazor.Components.Layout
    @using Pure.Blazor.Components.Icons
    @using Pure.Blazor.Components.Essentials
    @using Pure.Blazor.Components.Feedback
    @using Pure.Blazor.Components.Navigation
    @using Pure.Blazor.Components.Primitives
  • Add the stylesheet to your App.razor file.
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="_content/PureBlazor.Components/pureblazor.css" />
  • Add the following in `Program.cs` to register the services. You must register the services in both Blazor Server and WebAssembly projects.