Dialogs are used to show a message, confirm an action, or display a form. They are modal, meaning they block interaction with the rest of the page until they are dismissed.
<PureButton OnClick="ShowConfirmDialog">Show Dialog</PureButton>
@code {
[Inject] public required DialogService DialogService { get; set; }
public async Task ShowConfirmDialog()
await DialogService.ShowDialog("Dialog title.", builder => builder.AddContent(0, "This is a dialog!"));
<PureButton OnClick="ShowConfirmDialog">Show Dialog</PureButton>
@code {
[Inject] public required DialogService DialogService { get; set; }
public async Task ShowConfirmDialog()
await DialogService.ShowDialog("Confirm", builder => builder.AddContent(0, "Watch out for gators!"),
new ShowDialogOptions
AckColor = Warning, AckButton = "I understand"
public async Task ShowValidatingDialog()
await DialogService.ShowDialog("Action Dialog", builder => builder.AddContent(0, "Press continue to simulate a 4 second network request."),
new ShowDialogOptions
OnConfirm = OnConfirmValidateEvent
private async Task<DialogEventResult> OnConfirmValidateEvent(DialogResult arg)
// Simulate a network request
await Task.Delay(4000);
// Return a dialog result that will keep the dialog open
// To close the dialog, just return a Confirmed result:
// `return DialogEventResult.Confirmed;`
return new DialogEventResult
// Signal the dialog to stay open
Interrupted = true,
// Show a continuation dialog
Message = "Validation failed",
// You can also pass a RenderFragment
//MessageFragment = MyRenderFragment
public async Task ShowDialog()
await DialogService.ShowDialog("Dialog title.", builder => builder.AddContent(0, "This is a dialog!"),
new ShowDialogOptions
OnConfirm = OnConfirmEvent
private async Task<DialogEventResult> OnConfirmEvent(DialogResult arg)
return new DialogEventResult
// Signal the dialog to stay open
Interrupted = true,
// Show a continuation dialog
ContinueWith = new DialogInstance("component")
// Provide a RenderFragment for the 2nd dialog
Body = b => b.AddContent(0, "This is a continuation!"),